Women's Motorcycle Rally Speakers

With our 25th anniversary upon us, we wanted to make sure that we had awesome additions to our activities at the Mid-Atlantic Women’s Motorcycle Rally – this includes three, yes three speakers added to our line up. All are great women that have had an impact on motorcycling — from adventure to adversity to world records…here’s a quick preview with more to come later…


Tamela Rich
Television travel expert and author, Tamela inspires travelers to “Pack Light, Travel Slow, Connect Deep.” She supports the human journey with stories from her American and Italian motorcycle travels. Her book, “Live Full Throttle: Life Lessons From Friends Who Faced Cancer” draws upon stories heard from cancer survivors on two coast-to-coast motorcycle cancer charity rides.







Ursula Wachowiak
Hit head on while on her motorcycle in 2013 on the way to her first Sturgis Rally, she’s overcome the loss of a limb and is now known as The B.R.O.A.D. — Babe Riding Out A Dream she’s living the dream on the road living on her motorcycle and a small trailer.







Danell Lynn
Guinness World Record holder, author, and couture designer, Danell earned a Guinness World Record, being the first solo – female, to break the record for longest distance by motorcycle in a single country (United States). Danell is currently on another motorcycle adventure, Expedition Electric, from Alaska to Argentina all on a custom made electric motorcycle.
