The BIG DAY is January 15, 2025 at 12:00pm EST (noon) to register.

Here are the THREE key things you need to know right now:


The Friday night theme will be announced on Facebook later today at noon.

The Rally theme will be revealed on January 15th.


An email with the live registration link will be sent on January 15, 2025 at 12:00pm EST (noon).

We appreciate early registrations as they help us plan throughout the year. 


This year’s host hotel is the Wyndham Gettysburg.


95 Presidential Circle, Gettysburg, PA 17325

Phone: +1-717-339-0020

An email with the live hotel reservation link will be sent at 12:00pm EST (noon) on January 15, 2025. You can also call and reserve a room, but you’ll be sent to general reservations and will need to indicate that you’re in the MAWMR group. 

The MAWMR group room rate is $149/night (1 King bed OR 2 Queen bed).

Please only reserve the rooms you need.


Q: Will there be enough rooms at the host hotel? 

A: Yes. If the host hotel (Wyndham) fills, they will automatically book people into the adjacent hotel (Courtyard) that is within 100 feet of the Wyndham. Between the Wyndham and the Courtyard, there should be more than enough rooms to accommodate all participants. Room assignments will be done on a first come, first served basis based on room type (doubles always fill first!).

Q: What if I need a special room type such as a handicapped room? 

A: Please call the hotel directly with your request.

Q: Do I Have to stay at the host hotel?

A: No, you’re welcome to stay anywhere you like. Our website has a link to alternatives. 

Q: Is there bike/car/trailer/RV parking?

A: Bikes will have a designated area.

Cars will be accommodated in overflow parking. 

For trailers and RVs, contact the hotel directly to see if they can accommodate you. This is at the discretion of the hotel, and MAWMR has no  influence. 

Registration Opens Jan 15, 2025 – 12pm EST

Host Hotel Reservation Opens Jan 15, 2025 – 12pm EST


See you soon!